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  • Writer's pictureKaitlyn Yu

Inspiration Strikes

This week during ISM, I conducted my research assessment over information regarding the differentials between public and private dermatologists and how singular dermatologists decide to treat acne and diverse ways depending on various patient characteristics. I found the surveys that used to be very informative about patient diagnosis in dermatology, and it really gave me inspiration for my final product. This is because when I was reading the paper a lot of things stuck out to me concerning how the different ways of treatment tend to confuse patients and how there is a lot of general knowledge about how treatment individually affects different cases individually. This just reminded me about the sum of the first research assessments that I did over patient adherence because in those studies it found that confusion about treatment and low knowledge about why they were getting certain treatments was a cause for decreased prescription uses in patients. As such, I'm thinking of doing a study in which I can offer more precise information to a general audience about informing them of acne treatments and why different populations of people get treated differently depending on certain factors. In doing so, I hope that it will reduce the risk for patient confusion and therefore increase patient adherence in dermatological cases.

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